Halloween Spooktacular Day 3: Trace in Real-Time Mode
With luck, by now you have discovered that, to receive events from ETW, you must both “start” and “open” a trace. The Spooktacular Challenge requires you to provide PMC counter data to a running program, so you’ll need to open your trace in real-time mode.
To that end, here is today’s hint: when you open your trace with OpenTraceW, make sure you pass the right set of flags for a real-time trace. These flags will ensure you receive event records, properly timestamped, shortly after they are generated by ETW.
The flags go in the ProcessTraceMode
structure — something like this:
// ... fill out other members of Log here ...
TRACEHANDLE TraceSession = OpenTraceW(&Log);
With those flags set, assuming you’ve done everything else right, you will receive ETW events directly in your running program instead of ETW writing them to a logfile.
That concludes today’s hint. Until tomorrow, good luck making progress on the Spooktacular Challenge!
I will post additional hints here every day until Halloween. If you’d like the rest of the Spooktacular Challenge to be delivered automatically to your inbox, you can select a subscription option here: