Do you like in-depth programming articles?
If so, you have come to the right place. That’s all I do here.
Well, almost all. I also occasionally conduct (very) long-form interviews with important figures in the industry.
Either way, I hope you find Computer, Enhance! to be a beneficial addition to your week.
- Casey
If you are interested in becoming a paid subscriber, here are some answers to frequently asked questions about our paid programming series:
How much do the courses cost?
The subscription price is a flat $9/month.
There is also a $350/year subscription for people who wish to use the code from the course in a commercial setting. You can read the source code license here.
If you would like to subscribe to either, you can do so via the “subscribe now” button:
Is it possible to buy and administer subscriptions in bulk?
According to Substack, yes. You can purchase subscriptions in bulk via the “group” purchase option:
Unfortunately, their implementation of this feature seems a bit off, so if you are already subscribed, some people have reported that it will not give you the group purchase page! So you may have to click the link while in an incognito window. For convenience, you can right click here and select private browsing if you have this issue.
What do I need to know to take the courses?
All the materials here are designed to be beginner-friendly, but most require that you know some programming already. I do anticipate posting some materials for beginners, but it will be clearly labeled as such. All other materials assume you are comfortable doing at least some programming already, in a language of your choice.
Can I subscribe to the courses at any time?
Yes, the course materials stay available. However, there is a significant benefit for subscribers taking a course at the time it is being posted: feedback from the comments during the first run of a course are integrated into the course materials, so people taking the course during its first run will have the opportunity to ask questions and have those questions addressed in the course materials directly.
How can I see what course materials are available?
All course materials are listed and categorized in the table of contents for easy access.